Our Cursillo is a place to meet Jesus Christ. We would like to share our salvation and inspiration with you. You can share your thoughts, questions and doubts with us and others. We explore the Christian faith with you – well known and yet mysteriously new. In our courses you will meet people who want to be Christians. You experience community, how faith is expressed and put into words – our faith course is like a load of confetti. To encourage and inspire. We would love to get to know you!
„Here is your role in the Church: to create clusters of believers who will carry the message of salvation everywhere, showing the seriousness of your opinion not by imposing it, but by a strong testimony.“
Pope John Paul II
We are a movement recognized by the Roman Catholic Church (and which has also spread in several other Christian churches).
Its name comes from the Spanish word „Cursillo“ which means small course. Its original full name is „Cursillo de Cristiandad“ (short course in Christianity).
However, it is not a theoretical course nor a traditional retreat; it is best described as an experience. An experience that leads to discover and better live what is fundamental in Christianity. To live a Cursillo is to discover and experience Jesus Christ. The Cursillo Movement invites everyone everywhere to build a world, founded on the rock of human love and friendship.
During an initial 3-days, participants share a profound experience of Christian life …
During these three days, we learn:
- to get to know us (encounter of self) ,
- to experience the presence and love of Jesus Christ (encounter with God),
- to see the good that can provide a loving and caring Christian community (encounter with others).
This Cursillo weekend represents the first, essential step along the way. The key is what happens after the weekend during the postcursillo period known as the 4th day.
Next Course:
From March the 14th to 17th, 2024 in the Benedictine monastry of Nütschau. To register please send us an email: hamburg@cursillo.de